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Writer's pictureCraig

FREE Bug & Feedback Form For UNITY!

Hey guys, I have decided to give away my next free unity asset to you all!

It's a bug and feedback form for unity that connects to Trello.

It's completely FREE with an MIT license and takes around 10-15mins to setup.

Click below to download the unity package


Now for the asset itself you can import the package into your unity project, drag in the prefab and thats it! But to get it to work you need to get yourself a trello account if you don't already have one, and an API key, Token and some board IDs.

  1. Create a trello account if you don't already have one - and create a board - I named mine Bugs & Feedback. Next create 2 lists "Bugs" & "Feedback"

  2. Head to and sign in.

  3. Click "New"

4. Create your powerup

5. Click "API Key" on the left menu & create an API key

6. Copy the API Key KEEP THIS PRIVATE, store it in a temp notepad file and then click the highlighted "Token" link.

7. Copy your token KEEP THIS PRIVATE, store it in the temp notepad file.

8. Next we need to get our "Bugs" and "Feedback" list IDs. To get these we need to go to our board and inspect element. Im going to be showing this from firefox, but the process is essentially the same for chrome and other browsers, you may just need to look in a different place for the ids.

Inspect element:

Click "Network"

Create a test card in the "Bugs" list You should then see a "cards" POST appear, click that.

Now on the right you're going to see a "Response" button, click that...

And you want to find and copy the idList NOT idBoard

That was the tricky part!

Example on how you do this in chrome:

9. Repeat that process for getting the idList for the "Feedback" card

10. Now it's time to plug it all in and give it a test run! Head into unity and find the "TrelloForm.cs" scroll down the variable list and find where to put everything we just collected

11. Next you can either: Open the included sample scene which includes a button to open the form, or just drag the prefab into your scene, hit play and enable the "Canvas" gameobject on the prefab

That should be it! Well done for making it this far.

Things to note:

  • This form uses TextMeshPro, dragging in the prefab should bring up the TMP window to import essentials if you don't already have it in your project. If it doesn't do this automatically, you may need to install it from the package manager.

  • I have, with permission included the Shape2D asset which is a free asset created by SUB-C to pretty up the UI:

  • Trello API is free to use for basic functionality like this.

Now... as with my previous free asset, I am giving these away with the hope to build up some wishlists for my game Airport X-Ray Simulator, This asset is completely free, no obligation to wishlist but it would help me out!

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